Compliance with standards, quality and certifications
Semi-anechoic chamber for electromagnetic compatibility testing
Conformity verification and fulfilment of CE marking requirements
Semi-anechoic chamber
Lomar has created its own semi-anechoic chamber, which is one of the largest in Italy (dimensions: 9.7x6.2x6.0 metres).
Thanks to its steel shielding, it guarantees a reduction in outside electromagnetic interference of at least 100dB for the full frequency range from 10kHz to 18GHz.
The inside of the chamber is lined with an anechoic material consisting of ferrite tiles.
The attenuation of the chamber complies with the reference parameter NSA +4dB, defined by international standards, with a cylindrical test volume of 2.0x2.0 m (ØxH)
CE certification
In our laboratories, we perform all emission and immunity tests required under existing regulations for CE marking and the relative declarations of conformity.